It is very interesting to me how people do different things on their birthdays. For example....
This girl at my work...well when it is her birthday she will not shut up about it. She loves to tell everyone about it. Not just once but dozen of times...I think she is afraid that we are going to forget after the 5th time.
Then I have a friend that everytime when it is almost time for her birthday, she gets super angry and is like she doesn't want to be reminded of her birthday.
Then there is me...most of the time if I ever get a birthday party it is cause I planned it for myself...and let's be honest planning your own birthday party really sucks!!! So this year I am not planning a birthday I am not having one. Anthony did send some texts out to some of our friends to see if they wanted to go for a motorcycle ride on Sunday (if you want to go let me know)...and I think that is about as good as it is going get this year. I am not to worried about it...I just want to have a mellow day and enjoy time with my hubby. I would include my parents in that last sentence but even they are not going to be home for it.
I hope you read this and don't think this is suppose to be a pitty party for me cause it is not...I just trying to say that this year it is going to be chill, and that is ok. :) Although I am thinking of making a chocolate cake for Sunday so if anyone would like to come over and have are more than welcome too. I am sure we will be home from the ride around 4, so come around 5.
We will celebrate with you Linds!!!