I love sarcasm. It really should be my middle name....the best, is the way that Wikipedia explains what sarcasm is......
Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or tuant."
I am not so sure about the bitter part but I love the "cutting expression...tuant" part. Now what part of that is not me? How can that not be my middle name? Do you think if I went to Social Security and told them to change my name to Lindsey Sarcasm Burrows, they would let me? I am sure they would as long as I paid them....besides a lot of people do anything for a buck this days. I clean my parents house just so I can have a little extra cash here and there.
You should do it Linds. :) I like the colors of your blog fyi, it's you. :)