Looking at the bright side of reality.

Looking at the bright side of reality.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here is a hint for all of you men....

So you guys always claim that you don't know what a woman wants well I am going to give you some more information that will help you get closer to that step.

#1 If a girl texts you...no matter what you should always text her back!!! NO MATTER WHAT!!! A girl will sit there wondering what she has done wrong to not deserve a text back...especially if she texts you "I love you" you should ALWAYS text her back with something. If not, you are loosing points and failing.

#2 If a girl gets a hair cut, done, or something to her hair you MUST tell her that it looks good. Or at least say something to the fact that she got it done. If you don't, you are really loosing this game. Most the time a girl gets her hair done for you!!! For the one she cares about and loves. She really wants you to make a great impression.

#3 Hugs. Make sure you always give a girl a hug when you see her...a kiss doesn't hurt either. Anytime she enters the room, or anytime she about to leave...you ALWAYS be the one to give her the hug and kiss good-bye. That will score you some major points!!!

Lucky for me I have a great guy that is pretty good and keeping his points high and not low. :)

So now ladies....what am I missing?? What is some really important things to you that you can think of that you know your man...or men in general could work on better?

I just thought that I would post this for any men who do read this...not sure there is any but oh well. :)

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