Looking at the bright side of reality.

Looking at the bright side of reality.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So I am finding it to be sad...

That I have lost some great friends over my divorce, and that is to be expected. But what is not to be expected it when they are your really good friends (well at least I thought they were) and they decided to take one side and not both sides. I have lost some really great friends because they are one sided of the divorce, and it really bugs me cause they haven't even bothered to call me or contact me to get my side of the story, nor did they call to say I am so sorry to hear what you have went through. They just have decided that they would up and leave me as a friend and not even try to say...."I am sorry about the divorce. Why don't you tell me in your eyes what happened?" Then at least once they heard my story and decided to leave me as friend then I would respect that...it would still suck...but at least they know both sides of the story. I bring this up now cause I have just found out another friend that I thought was going to be two sided to the whole thing is really one sided. How do I know....Facebook. I really should be sending Facebook a Thank You card for helping me see through the lies. I found a couple of my friends today that I thought were great friends have de-friended me...which tells me one thing...they don't care about me anymore and they are feeding me lies when we hang out as friends. I am sad to see them do this to me...they are good people and fun to hang out with...but now I know that my walls are up when I am around and the minute I walk away from them, they will turn around and stab me in the back. Sad but true. I guess this was really just a vent message for me. Thanks for putting up with it.

For now...I am going to get into my motorcycle gear and go for a ride..I need to get the hell out. Clear my head. It will make me realize what and who I am thankful for, and that is what I need right now. Serenity now!!! haha


  1. That's one of the worst things in the world to be defriended just because of something that happens.

    Divorce sucks. Maybe not as much as backstabbers, though. I'm super sorry for all of it.

    Thanks for you always being such a good friend to me. It's too bad people aren't returning the favor at a time when you probably need it.

  2. I love you. You are such a peaceful person, just as I remember you as a young girl. I like your "take a two-sided" point of view perspective. xoxo. Hope to see your face soon.
