Looking at the bright side of reality.

Looking at the bright side of reality.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I must say I am sorry...

I am so sorry that I have not been keeping my blog updated for the last couple of days. My work has been crazy. They let someone go, so my work load has just doubled. So you can say I am a little stressed out this week....but my trick is not to show it at work. ;) Ant knows how stressed out I really am...poor guy...he really is getting the grunt of it. I love him for it though...he is helping me out more than he knows it. Well I need to get back to work...so I will get on later tonight or tomorrow and update on what is going on.


  1. even though it's stressfull & your workload has doubled at least you can say you still have a job :) hopefully you survive the stress.

  2. Good luck Linds! I believe in you! Stress is no fun, but it always teaches you something!
