I am going to make this short and sweet as possible....I promise... ;)
Well we left for CA on Wednesday night...stay in St. George (parents 2nd house)...then drove to CA on Thursday. We got there checked into our dodgy hotel (we didn't get shot while we were so it wasn't as bad as we thought) then went to the race track. We got to the race track...met up with Charlie, Dave Wells, and Scott Jennings (Scott is a race track legend...look it up if you don't believe me)....then we found out Ant had an oil leak so they were going to tear into the engine...while they did that I went to look around....only to find out Miller Motorsports was there and I wanted to see why they
Friday...Ant spent the day at racer school....I just helped out the men wherever they needed help...mainly grabbed them lunch when they wanted it too....Did I mention we also shared a garage with the ONLY American to win in the Isle Of Mann? Well we did...his name is Dave Roper (look that one up to while you are at it)..... then at the end of the day...they had a race for first time racers.....so naturally Ant was in the race and took 2nd overall....so that was great..
Sat...Ant practiced....then it was race tim
Sunday.....Practice and after a couple of times of checking the gas tank...Ant got to race!!! Overall he took 2nd place in his race and he dropped 14 seconds off of his lap time since Friday...So he walked out of Willow Springs a happy man.
Monday...we went to 6 Flags...and there was NO ONE there... I think the longest we waited in line was 10 mins tops...but most of the rides we just walked right on...it was fun. Then that night we drove down to Long Beach and stay with Charlie.
Tuesday...we had a great breakfast at Charlie's place...Thank you Annette it was great...and then we got a personal invitation to see this guys motorcycle collection...it w
There you go...the short story of our trip....I promise a lot more happened that I could write about but I don't want to put you to sleep more than I have. :)