...happened to me last night. I only wish I would have paid the extra money to get the seats for $250.00, cause then I would have been in the first 20 rows of the concert...but our seats were still pretty amazing. I could still see him 85% of the concert. But I lived one of my ultimate dreams...I saw a Beatle preform. How many people can say that? I am sure there is quite a bit...but it was like a dream come true for me.

This was the most amazing concert that I have ever been too...and if he EVER comes back to Utah (this was his first time in Utah) I will pay for the best seats in the house. The first song he sang was Jet and it was great...but the 2nd song he sang was All My Lovin...and I was just like the girls on the Ed Sullvan show when they first came over to the States....I started to cry. Dork I know. Then later on he started telling the audience about how you should never leave anything unsaid, because he felt that happened to him and John (Lennon). He didn't get to say what he wanted to say till it was too late, and so he wrote the most beautiful song to John about what he would say if he were still alive today...again...tears were swelling in my eyes. Then later he also paid tribute to George (Harrison, my favorite Beatle) and when he started singing Something, I lost it. I started to cry....I just looked at my cousin and was like..."I am a dork." ha ha lucky for me she understood. But it was so amazing...words can not discribe what that concert meant to me and how incredible it was. THANK YOU PAUL for making me so happy and having one of the best shows I have
EVER been too. I am still on cloud 9 from the show! :)
That's so sweet Linds!!! I have a friend in my physiology class that went to it with her husband and said the exact same thing--she said cloud 9 too! I'm so happy for you!