Looking at the bright side of reality.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Once again..I am going to talk about cravings.....
Ok so I am off that time of the month, but for some reason I am having a HUGE chocolate craving. Most of the time that craving comes before I start. So I figured the only way I want to get rid of that craving is if I make homemade chocolate cake. So this weekend my plan is to make a chocolate cake, and if anyone would like to join me in helping me eat it, you are more than welcome to come down and have some. In fact I think will have a little chocolate cake party on Saturday night or Friday night. So...let me know if you would like to come down for it and I will let you know what night I will be having a get together.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
WOW...old friends......
I am surprised I do have some kind of fan base out there. ha ha
Shea, you really should update your blog....I think it hasn't been updated since last fall...when Jamie got married I think. ha ha Oh and Shea....I have to tell you the other day I was looking through my DVD collection and I found my copy of The Last Unicorn....I started to laugh because I forgot I bought it....and it reminded me of how we watched that and Beetlejuice (which I own as well) all the time when were kids.
While I am thinking of old friends and friends that I have been friends with for a while I want to take the time and.....THANK YOU....Thank you to all of you that have been friends with me through out the years...and thank you for being with me through thick and thin, through the good and the bad. I LOVE YOU.....I love you for supporting me through all of the good and bad choices I made in my life. I just hope I do the same thing for you and if not I hope you give me the chance to show you my support.
THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU for being who you are.....great friends.
Shea, you really should update your blog....I think it hasn't been updated since last fall...when Jamie got married I think. ha ha Oh and Shea....I have to tell you the other day I was looking through my DVD collection and I found my copy of The Last Unicorn....I started to laugh because I forgot I bought it....and it reminded me of how we watched that and Beetlejuice (which I own as well) all the time when were kids.
While I am thinking of old friends and friends that I have been friends with for a while I want to take the time and.....THANK YOU....Thank you to all of you that have been friends with me through out the years...and thank you for being with me through thick and thin, through the good and the bad. I LOVE YOU.....I love you for supporting me through all of the good and bad choices I made in my life. I just hope I do the same thing for you and if not I hope you give me the chance to show you my support.
THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU for being who you are.....great friends.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Shawna....cause I know you are about the only person who reads my blog right now. ha ha ha ha
Friday, March 26, 2010
This weekend....
Besides going to Zumba, and riding the motorcycle as much as I can...and I might go into work at the dealership for a couple of hours tomorrow...I don't have any plans. I don't want to spend any money other than filling my motorcycles gas tank. I do know, it will be a lot better than being at work...this work week has not been the best. I feel like everyone I have talked to has said the same thing...that this week just sucked. ha ha Lets start the weekend, so that we can have a better work week next week.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sick or work???
Which one is worse? Being sick so you have to stay home from work? Or going to work? Sometimes I get sooo sick that I would rather be at work. But then sometimes I am so sick of work, I would rather be home bored out of mind. Ant has been home sick for the last 3 days cause he is sick. I don't know if I am jealous or I feel bad for him. ha ha ha Of course I feel bad for him that he is sick...but I think I would go crazy being stuck home for 3 days.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Old friends good times....
So today didn't start out so well..I was not looking forward to work, cause of certains things that has happened the last couple of weeks. I am not going to get into it.....but I am so very EXCITED for tonight!!! Nelvin Wilson is in town and our little group of friends are getting together tonight to hang out. Even Luke and his family is going to be there!! I am so excited to have almost everyone there from our old group of friends!! I have prepared a great dinner and Arika (Luke's wife) made a better than sex cake. So we are going to be having some good food and some great times.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Once again....
Can I tell you how amazing my hubby is.........................................................................................HE IS SO WONDERFUL and I LOVE HIM SO VERY MUCH.
Thank you honey for making me so happy. I love you so very much. :)
Thank you honey for making me so happy. I love you so very much. :)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
GO BYU and the big win!!! That was a great game...but not as good as the last 2 seconds of the Murray and Vandy game. That was AWESOME!!! Way to score at the last second. It will also be the upset of the day for sure.... ha ha ha All the sport broadcasters will be talking about it for awhile.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
So much for all the weight I have lost....
So as of last Sunday....I have no will power when it comes to junk food. I have no idea what my problem is. I have been eating like crap so bad lately, it sucks!!! Last night at nine o'clock Anthony and I went and got frozen yogart....at NINE O'CLOCK!!!! You should be thinking about going to bed at that time....not ice cream....well at least I got the healthiest flavor which oddly enough it was chocolate, but then I had to go and kill that by smothering it with Kit Kat bar. I have been little Miss Piggy lately...and I try to control it...but I can't!! Today I started out healthy, but then when I got to work I had a BIG fat piece of banana bread, and two cupcakes. OH BOY!! You would think that I would be prego the way I am eating lately, but I am not. I can only imagine my week is going to get worse. Tomorrow night is Bunco...they always have good treats there...then Thursday night is British Motorcycle Club meeting..and the resturant that we have it at has a VERY good pie. Then Friday night I am camping out with my cousin for New Moon and no doubt we will be snacking on junk food....good thing I am going to Zumba tonight. ha ha ha ha ha
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Team Both
So I am sure at least 65% of all women right now are all counting down the days till next Friday.....New Moon comes out on DVD at midnight. I know you can count me in as one of those women that are counting down. ha ha I mean come on...the sceen where Jacob takes off his shirt for the first time.....HELLLLLLOOOOOO Yeah it is nice.........really nice. :) I am starting my own thing called "Team Both" rather than picking Team Jacob or Team Edward, I am going for all the above.
Who is with me? GO TEAM BOTH...GO TEAM BOTH!!! Why pick one when you can have BOTH?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Daylight savings this week...
I am so excited for daylight savings this Sunday. I am not too excited to loose that hour of sleep....but there are so many reasons to be excited for daylight savings this time of the year. Here are my reasons why.
- The most important reason is....it gets warmer earlier in the day which means I can start riding the motorcycle to work. :) WAHOOOOOOOOOO
- It is the first sign that spring is just around the corner.
- Did I mention that I get to start riding my motorcycle to work? YES...I am that excited. :)
- More daylight when I get off work, which means more time that I get to ride my motorcycle. I am telling you....it is my new passion...I seriously can go 400 miles and still want to keep going. I love it sooo much.
- It also means it is getting closer to mtn. bike season...When I am not going to be riding my motorcycle...I will be riding my other favorite thing....my mountain bike.
So there you go...something to look forward to this weekend...in case you didn't have anything to look forward too. :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Old Songs.....
I love it how old songs from the 50's and 60's make me so happy. They make me think of all of the different the road trips that my family would take when I was little. You would think that I was born in the 40's or 50's the way I talk...but we all know that isn't true...my parents just listen to the music a lot. In fact when I had my record collection stored at my parents while we were moving house, my dad went through some of it. Needless to say, he ended up taking some of my records just to have because he wanted them. Till this day...he is the only one that I have allowed to take some records out of my collection to have. Not sure what he is going to do with them...he doesn't even have a record player to play them but I think he wanted them for the same reason that I do......it takes him back to a great time of his life. :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
I think all of us go through this one time or another......"What do I cook for dinner tonight? Nothing sounds good" Well I go through this at least once a week. Anthony is so picky when it comes to food...it is really hard for me to decide what I want to cook. Tonight, it is not a matter of what I want to cook, it is matter what do I feel like eating. Ant isn't going to be home for dinner, so I get to have whatever my hearts desires....but nothing sounds good to me. In fact I just want to go home and veg out in front of the couch. Days like these I would just come home and eat ice cream for dinner, but now that I am doing good and going to the gym regularly I don't want to mess that up.
Any ideas for easy dinner tonight?
Any ideas for easy dinner tonight?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
So I have had a couple of nicknames since I can remember....I think my first nickname that I ever had, was givin to me by my sister and brother...I am not to proud of it but here it is....Doorknob. They used to call me that all the time when I was little kid.
When I was in High School, I dated a kid named Scott H. and Jake A. (they were friends..don't ask hahaha). Scott was the one that gave me my nickname that has stuck with me pretty much since then...Dookus and Jake gave me The Duke. So anytime I hear someone call me by those nicknames or if you have ever called me by Dookus or The Duke....that tells you right there how long you have known me for.
But that wasn't the last of my nicknames....my all time favorite nickname was and is......DRUMROLL PLEASE...............Willis....Yep, simple Willis. My best friend Luke started calling me that years ago (I have known him for almost 12 years now) and ever since then, that little group of friends of ours (we don't see much of each other anymore, but when we do it is like we have never been separated) started to call me Willis too. I love it.
Now that you are update let me tell you why I thought of putting this on my blog...
So lately I have been going to the gym and doing Zumba at least twice a week and I have been feeling really good. So one of the owners of the company I work for...Jeff....the other day started to call me Washboard. I was like...why are you calling me Washboard...he told me "cause you are looking very fit lately and before you know you are going to have washboard abs" I just laughed and said "wishful thinking" If you know my boss Jeff...he doesn't ever give out complements unless he really means it...so that really that was really nice of him to say that. So ever since then, he calls me Washboard.
Now that I let the cat out of the bag about my nicknames....do you have any I don't know about?
When I was in High School, I dated a kid named Scott H. and Jake A. (they were friends..don't ask hahaha). Scott was the one that gave me my nickname that has stuck with me pretty much since then...Dookus and Jake gave me The Duke. So anytime I hear someone call me by those nicknames or if you have ever called me by Dookus or The Duke....that tells you right there how long you have known me for.
But that wasn't the last of my nicknames....my all time favorite nickname was and is......DRUMROLL PLEASE...............Willis....Yep, simple Willis. My best friend Luke started calling me that years ago (I have known him for almost 12 years now) and ever since then, that little group of friends of ours (we don't see much of each other anymore, but when we do it is like we have never been separated) started to call me Willis too. I love it.
Now that you are update let me tell you why I thought of putting this on my blog...
So lately I have been going to the gym and doing Zumba at least twice a week and I have been feeling really good. So one of the owners of the company I work for...Jeff....the other day started to call me Washboard. I was like...why are you calling me Washboard...he told me "cause you are looking very fit lately and before you know you are going to have washboard abs" I just laughed and said "wishful thinking" If you know my boss Jeff...he doesn't ever give out complements unless he really means it...so that really that was really nice of him to say that. So ever since then, he calls me Washboard.
Now that I let the cat out of the bag about my nicknames....do you have any I don't know about?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Alice In Wonderland...
In case you have been living underneath a rock, one of my all time favorite Disney movies is being re-released this weekend....Alice In Wonderland. Did I mention one of my favorite directors is directing it too? I love Tim Burton. So you put two positives together and that equals GREATNESS. So you can guess what I will be doing this weekend. Ant and I are going to be seeing it and in 3-D and I am so excited to see it. Ant and I saw Avitar in 3-D and we both were just blown away how amazing it was in 3-D.
P.S. Ant loves Anne Hathaway...and she just happens to be in the movie. So I think it is safe to say that both Ant and I are excited to see the movie.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Being Positive
Is it weird that when I found out that my aunt died I didn't really cry much? It didn't hit me untill last night...I cried myself to sleep. Last night my mom said something that broke the shell.
Last night we were playing cards, and I asked my mom if she was doing ok. She seemed a little down at the moment, plus I knew she has had a really hard time. She said to me "It has hit me really hard cause it makes me think of my mom and how much I miss her." That is when it hit me...I can't even imagine what it is like to loose someone that close to you. The closest person I have ever lost was my Grandma Woolsey (who my mom is referring too). My grandma and I were extremely close, so much that when she was at the hospital and in the ICU...she was asking about me and if I was coming. It was like my grandma knew this was it...this is when she was going to leave the world. So when my mom said those words....it really broke my heart for her. It made me realize how much I am going to miss Vaunda as well.
Even though I am going to my aunt's funeral...it will be good to get to see all my cousins again that I haven't seen in a while that I would like to see.
So see.........there is always a positive to a negative.
Last night we were playing cards, and I asked my mom if she was doing ok. She seemed a little down at the moment, plus I knew she has had a really hard time. She said to me "It has hit me really hard cause it makes me think of my mom and how much I miss her." That is when it hit me...I can't even imagine what it is like to loose someone that close to you. The closest person I have ever lost was my Grandma Woolsey (who my mom is referring too). My grandma and I were extremely close, so much that when she was at the hospital and in the ICU...she was asking about me and if I was coming. It was like my grandma knew this was it...this is when she was going to leave the world. So when my mom said those words....it really broke my heart for her. It made me realize how much I am going to miss Vaunda as well.
Even though I am going to my aunt's funeral...it will be good to get to see all my cousins again that I haven't seen in a while that I would like to see.
So see.........there is always a positive to a negative.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Love lost but not forgotten...
Over the weekend I lost my Aunt Vaunda. They found cancer about 5 weeks ago, and the doctor said that she might live 4-5 months. Then to my understanding that they found more cancer in more places, so we weren't sure when she was going to be leaving us. It was just a matter of time at that point. So the week after we found out she had cancer, I went down to go visit her and to say our good-byes. It was very hard on me...I am very close to this aunt.
This aunt is also my grandma Woolsey's sister. So my grandma's sister married my dad's brother....so that means.....my dad's brother is also his uncle. hahahaha So this really has hit my mom really hard. She is having the hardest time about it (when it comes to my immediate family), it was my mom's aunt before she was her sister in law. So she has known Vaunda since the day she was born.
So when I went down to go visit and say our good-byes, I told my aunt...."when you see my grandma, will you please give her a big hug and kiss from me. I would tell you to tell her that I miss her so much...but I think she already knows." My aunt Vaunda told me "Yes I will" with a big smile on her face.
I will miss my aunt Vaunda and her great laugh.
This aunt is also my grandma Woolsey's sister. So my grandma's sister married my dad's brother....so that means.....my dad's brother is also his uncle. hahahaha So this really has hit my mom really hard. She is having the hardest time about it (when it comes to my immediate family), it was my mom's aunt before she was her sister in law. So she has known Vaunda since the day she was born.
So when I went down to go visit and say our good-byes, I told my aunt...."when you see my grandma, will you please give her a big hug and kiss from me. I would tell you to tell her that I miss her so much...but I think she already knows." My aunt Vaunda told me "Yes I will" with a big smile on her face.
I will miss my aunt Vaunda and her great laugh.
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