Looking at the bright side of reality.

Looking at the bright side of reality.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

WOW...old friends......

I am surprised I do have some kind of fan base out there. ha ha

Shea, you really should update your blog....I think it hasn't been updated since last fall...when Jamie got married I think. ha ha Oh and Shea....I have to tell you the other day I was looking through my DVD collection and I found my copy of The Last Unicorn....I started to laugh because I forgot I bought it....and it reminded me of how we watched that and Beetlejuice (which I own as well) all the time when were kids.

While I am thinking of old friends and friends that I have been friends with for a while I want to take the time and.....THANK YOU....Thank you to all of you that have been friends with me through out the years...and thank you for being with me through thick and thin, through the good and the bad. I LOVE YOU.....I love you for supporting me through all of the good and bad choices I made in my life. I just hope I do the same thing for you and if not I hope you give me the chance to show you my support.

THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU for being who you are.....great friends.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't trade you for the world Linds! I love you lots! And I have totally seen the Last Unicorn...sadly. :)
